Maestro Rorik Janssen
The International Fencing Camp Bocholt has been created and realized by the Dutch fencing master Rorik Janssen, only one year after the foundation of the first fencing club in the entire history of Bocholt. Rorik Janssen again started to work as a national coach for Epée, in his land of origin, the Netherlands. The Dutch national team, is identical with the team of the club Scaramouche in Arnhem. As a big surprise they took hold of the "Coupe d'Europe" in Heidenheim, the famous "Wimbledon of Epée-Fencing", in February 2023
The first #IFCB, the original and most multi-cultural in Germany, took place in August 2010. Since then almost 1.200 participants and 50 coaches from 35 worldwide nations visited the Camp in the City of Bocholt.
In 2024, like in the two previous years, a group of young Ukrainian Fencres has been present at the Camp, on invitation of Fencing Team Bocholt.
With their coach Zhenya Tymo the Ukranian Cadets just won the team competition in Klagenfurt (AUT)! A new invitation for the #IFCB2025 will be handed out.

The already 16th jubilee edition of the #IFCB2025 in Germany again offers the possibility to work with more as 10 worldclass fencing masters and medal winning olympic coaches! Individual lessons are inclusive in the #IFCB-Camp fee!

Mike Pederson (USA)
Olympic Silver Medal 2008
Ladies Foil Team USA

#IFCB2024 Coaches
Just one or two changes
for 2025!
Walter Steegmüller (GER)
German national Epée-Coach